Hello. I see you've chosen to enter the domain of "ME." If you couldn't have already guessed, it is about "ME." If you are wondering who "ME" is, then you have come to the right place. "ME" is Brian Voils, and that's who I am.

You may also be wondering: "Why do I care who 'Brian Voils' is?" Well if you are, you might be right. If you are wrong, however, you are still allowed to read on and find out about "ME."

As I said earlier, my name is Brian Voils. I live in a boring little town called Klamath Falls, which is about ½ hour's drive north of California, which is in the United States of America. Oddly, though, I seem to be about the only person in the city who doesn't wish he lived elsewhere. I attend Mazama High School, which is a little AAAA school threatened to go AAA due to lack of population. I also attend the Oregon Institute of Technology, which is ranked 3rd among American technical schools.

I was born in Ft. Knox, KY on 20 Jan 1981, and lived in 5 U.S. states, and 2 German states. I was born in Kentucky, moved to Bavaria, in Germany, after a year, and stayed there for about 3 years. After that, we moved to Ft. Benning, GA, and stayed there for about 5 years. We then moved to Florida for a short period of time, perhaps about 6 months, then moved to Baden Wurtenberg, again in Germany, where we lived for exactly 365 days. Next we went to live in Louisiana for about a year. Finally, we moved here, which I would be forced to say is the best place I've ever lived.

I run Cross Country and Track, so I am technically a runner.  Here is a picutre of my ex-coach, Larry Wagner, in the Hood to Coast 193 mile relay: 

Here is an image of the busiest area of Klamath Falls during the busiest part of the day:

Here's some analytical information about me:
Height: 6'-0"  

183 cm

Hair: Light Brown  

Dark Blond

Weight: 150 lbs.  

667 N

Eyes: Hazel, Astigmatic,  

Partially Color Blind

Mass: 68 kg Build: A bit heavy due to illness  

But otherwise slim.

That's all the stuff I can think about for now, but it will be updated with time.

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Please e-mail me with any questions or comments. 

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