This page is about my family. I live with my entire immediate family. This would be both of my parents, both of my brothers, and multiple pets.

My father is Ansel Voils. He was born on 18 Aug 1951. He was born in Hawkinsville, GA. He served for 21 years in the US Army, and retired in July of 1992. He now works in a plywood mill called Columbia Plywood. He is 5'-9" tall, about 160 lbs., and I would presume relatively strong for his age and size.  

My mother is Karen Voils. She was born on 26 Sept 1956. She was born in Columbus, OH. She served in the US Army for a short period of time, perhaps 3 years, where she met my father. While we lived in Georgia, she went to college and received her A.S. in Computer Programming. Later she worked at Wall Tire for perhaps 5 years, then eventually came to her current job as a Support person at SEi.  

My elder brother is James Voils. He was born on 1 Dec 1977 in Ft. Knox, KY. He is about 6'-4" tall, and I think 180 lbs. He graduated from Mazama High School in June 1996, and later got a job working as Customer Support for Sykes. Prior to graduating, he was working for Burger King.  

I am Brian Voils, and have a page all about me here.  

My younger brother is Michael Voils. He was born on 8 Sept 1983 in Würtzberg, Germany. He is about 5'-4" tall, and 110 lbs (i think). He attends Brixner Jr. High, and will be entering the 8th grade this fall.  

We have a dog named Onyx, who is ¼ Alaskan Malamute and ¾ Black Labrador. He is about 4 years old, and has a stain on his tail where he accidentally stuck it on a paint brush last summer.  

We have also got a very arrogant, conceited, egotistical, haughty, pompous, and self-centered parakeet named BJ, of which the letters "BJ" are an acronym for "Betty Jean." She is about 4" tall, and weighs about 4 oz. She fancies herself a chicken, as she almost never flies and is constantly searching the floor for goodies. She has a mental disorder called insanity, where she fancies everything she sees can communicate with her, so she talks to everything she can see. She also has the absurd belief that everything in her sight belongs exclusively to her.  

We have two garden snakes named Viper and Houdini, although it has come to the point where it is useless to distinguish them by name since we can no longer remember which one is which. We named Houdini after the famous illusionist and trickster due to the snake's persistence and knack for escaping its aquarium early in our possession of him.   

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